Bay of Plenty Trackgang

New Zealand

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Monday 31st March 2008: Our Newsletter, March 2008

Our Newsletter, March 2008.

We went……
We savoured……
We learnt……
We spent……
And we had FUN!
Convention 2008 had to have been one of the best I’ve attended.

Why? I found the social tone and fun atmosphere created from the first day, infected everyone there.
Hey, I didn’t mind the walk around the campus, to each building. It was a good time to reflect on what I had just viewed, or what I was about to view.
Plenty of space, for attendees.
(Re-)introduction of the workshop sessions were great for learning.
image1A chance to gather with mates, and chat.

Workman’s huts
lineside. One Track Minds scene by J.Dudson










Those who attended had a really good weekend.


Congratulations must go to our Trackgang members who entered the Competitions:
Vern for his Silver Award for his Wb loco.
Brett for his Silver Award for his Mamaku Station

image3Tauranga Hobby Show, 19-20 April 2008
Its now only 3 weeks to our show. Displays are all coming together ( with a few phonecalls). If you are able to assist with staffing during show time, or on 18th, setup day, please let me know ASAP. We need staffing for the front door, NZR display, floor walking and meal room.

Happy modeling and see you at the show.

Russell Jones.

31 Mar 2008, Russell Jones