Bay of Plenty Trackgang

New Zealand

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Web Links

Model Suppliers

Railmaster Exports Website E-Mail
S Sn3 1/2 model supplies, Loksound.
Ironhorse Hobbies Website
NZR locomotives and rolling stock (HO) and scratch building supplies.
Northyard Website E-Mail
South Dock/ Railmaster kits 3/16 detail parts. HO/S scale loco drives. Scratch building materials and tools.
Von Strapp Forgings Co-op E-Mail
9mill scale wagon kits & parts.
Digitrax Website
Dcc control & accessories.
VCC Models E-Mail
Suppliers of models and detail parts in 3/16th scale
Trackgang Products Website E-Mail
nz120 loco body kits, wagon kits and details. Online freight and guards van 3/16th kits and details
Woodsworks Supplies - scale timber and kits Website
Scale precut timber, structure kits, detail parts, trackware
Bay Hobby Supplies Tauranga Website
Model Railway building supplies. Car kits, R/C cars and Slot cars. Styrene and balsa. Model paints and tools
The Train Depot Website E-Mail
Model accessories and supplies
Southdock Website
Southdock rolling stock kits and trackside details in 1:64th scale
Eurorail Models Auckland Website E-Mail
Importer and retailer of Faller, Viessmann, Kibri, Vollmer and Noch items.
Hobby Hunter NZ Website E-Mail
HO USA model supplies - Intermountain
Marks Model Works Website E-Mail
Etched brass 3/15th and nz120 kits and details
Christchurch Model Supplies
749 Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch 8023 Ph. 033766436
Station Road E-Mail
3/16th NZR kits and details
Cross Creek Models
3/16th NZR kits and details. 29 Seymour Grove, Upper Hutt 5018
Glenorchy Models Website
Etched metal kits specializing in 1:32 and 1:48 scale models

NZR Preservation Sites

Bush Tramway Club Website E-Mail
Driving Creek Railway E-Mail
Feilding and District Steam Rail Society Website E-Mail
Fell Locomotive Museum Website
Ferrymead Railway Website
Goldfields Railway - Waihi Website E-Mail
Mainline Steam Trust Website
Nelson Railway Society Website
New Zealand Railway & Locomotive Society Website E-Mail
Oamaru Beach Railway Website
Plains Railway E-Mail
Railway Enthusiasts' Society Website
Silver Stream Railway Website E-Mail
Steam Incorporated Website E-Mail
Taieri Gorge Railway Website E-Mail
Weka Pass Railway Website
Glenbrook Vintage Railway Website E-Mail
Preserved steam and diesel locomotives and a collection of ex-NZR rolling stock. Public train rides
Pahiatua Railcar Society Website

Modeling interest

New Zealand Model Railway Guild (Inc) Website E-Mail
motoriseddandruff Website E-Mail
Goings on of an NZ120 scale modeler and things......
NZ120 forum Website
NZ120 chat group
North Shore Model Railway Website
Model Railway club
The Chosen Scale - NZ120 Website E-Mail
NZ120 kits and infomation
Modeling the Dream - G.Morrell - NZR 3/16th scale Website
Railmodel Electronics Website
Electronic ideas for model railways. nz120 scale Website
nz120 scale / TTn 3 1/2 forum group
Peter Bryant nz120 modeling Website
NZ Railscene DVD Website
New Zealand Railscene quarterly DVD realise, and interest DVD's
Ngongotaha Railway Park, Rotorua Website E-Mail
NZR restoration railway, minature ride on railway, model railway, model supply store, museum